
Copy path to clipboard

Rewrites a relative path “chroot-style” – it accepts a sandboxing “base” path, where / represents the boundary of the sandbox, and any subdirectories represent the point from which relative paths are calculated.

E.g., if you have a system like


and user-written Dhall plugins are allow to access things like config within the extension directory, you might use something like encapsulate "/plugins/<this-plugin-name>", allowing results up to ../../config/whatever to work, while ../related-plugin/ would acces some other plugin and ../../../../emacs/ would return None, because it tries to escape the system.


{ parents = {=}, directories = [ "my-plugin", "plugins" ], file = {=} }
{ parents = 2, directories = [ "config" ], file = "whatever" }
≡ Some { parents = 2, directories = [ "config" ], file = "whatever" }


Rewrites a relative path “chroot-style” – it accepts a sandboxing “base” path,
where `/` represents the boundary of the sandbox, and any subdirectories
represent the point from which relative paths are calculated.

E.g., if you have a system like

- config
- plugins/<many individual plugins>

and user-written Dhall plugins are allow to access things like config within the
extension directory, you might use something like `encapsulate
"/plugins/<this-plugin-name>"`, allowing results up to `../../config/whatever`
to work, while `../related-plugin/` would acces some other plugin and
`../../../../emacs/` would return `None`, because it tries to escape the system.
let P =
https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v20.1.0/package.dhall sha256:26b0ef498663d269e4dc6a82b0ee289ec565d683ef4c00d0ebdd25333a5a3c98

let AbsoluteDirectory = ../../Directory/Absolute/Type

let Typ = ../Typ

let RelativePath = ./Type

let AbsolutePath = ../Absolute/Type

let concat = ../../Directory/Absolute/concat

let route = ../../Path/Absolute/route

let encapsulate =
λ(base : AbsoluteDirectory) →
λ(type : Typ) →
λ(path : RelativePath type) →
(AbsolutePath type)
(RelativePath type)
(route base type)
(concat base type path)
: Optional (RelativePath type)

let ex0 =
: encapsulate
{ parents = {=}
, directories = [ "my-plugin", "plugins" ]
, file = {=}
{ parents = 2, directories = [ "config" ], file = "whatever" }
≡ Some { parents = 2, directories = [ "config" ], file = "whatever" }

in encapsulate